
ありふれた金庫 - シリーズ百字劇場1


Arifureta kinko (An Ordinary Safebox) - The Hundred Character Theatre


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  • シリーズ百字劇場


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File104. わけのわからない多幸感に包まれたいときに読みたい本 岩城裕明/webちくま(23.4.26)

人気SF作家が雨を描くと 吉田大助が薦める新刊文庫3点 吉田大助/朝日新聞 好書好日(23.4.20)

【今週はこれを読め! SF編】百字の宇宙、百字の日常 牧眞司/WEB本の雑誌(23.4.11)


たった百字で小説なんて書けるわけ、え? 書ける? 風情と余韻を百字にギュッと詰め込んだ、珠玉のマイクロノベルたち。要らないものは文字の外に追い出して、さあ、名手・北野勇作による百字劇場の始まり始まり。

「一連の作品は(中略)どれも、一ページの中に一作、つまりぱっと見た範囲に書き出しからお終いまで物語が存在する。この「視野に最初から最後まである」ということが、きっとすごく重要なのだ。 長編作家の持つスケール感(中略)が、視界の中に収まるほどの矩形に詰まっているっていう種類の奇跡。どうぞ、ぞんぶんに楽しんでください。」(解説より)



北野勇作  (キタノユウサク) 


  • ISBN:978-4-910710-08-2
  • 価格:1,100円(+税)
  • 版型:文庫判
  • ページ数:208
  • 刊行日:2023年3月29日
  • カバーイラスト:和田ラヂヲ
  • ブックデザイン:清水肇(prigraphics)

The Hundred Character Theatre is a collection of extra-short stories or micro-novels. Each story is completed in just one hundred characters in Japanese (approximately 50 words). KITANO Yusaku who won the Japan Science Fiction Gand Prize for Mr. Turtle which has been published in English by Kurodahan Press, is known for his long novels, but in recent years he has been presenting "almost 100 character novels" daily on Twitter as his lifework.
This book, An Ordinary Safebox (Arifureta-kinko), contains 200 sci-fi stories. Sci-fi, the author says, can be anything, some might say they aren't "sci-fi" enough but that doesn't matter. According to Kitano, stories in this book are closest to his origin or core idea as a creator.
"It is almost a miracle that the large scale story...exists in a small rectangle space, which can view by one quick look." (from the commentary)
The extra-short novel is easy to read, making it ideal for bilingual editions for Japanese language learners.

"He’s a lighthouse now, he tells me. An alien came knocking on his door one night, asked him to become one, as they needed a beacon right there. His fellow Earthians cannot see the light he emits, but he is lighting up the sea of stars, guiding ships from other planets."
(An Ordinary Safebox, page 11. English translation by Asahi Takaiye)
Cover illustration by WADA Radio, Commentary by TAKAYAMA Haneko 
Book designed by SHIMIZU Hajime (prigraphics)
208 pages, First published on March 29th, 2023

Author: KITANO Yusaku
Born 1962, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. In 1992, Kitano won the 4th Japan Fantasy Novel Award for Excellence for his debut novel, Where Mars Used to Be (Mukashi, Kasei no atta basho). He was awarded the 1st KATSURA Jakusaburo New Rakugo (Yagura Cup) Grand Prize for his story, Geocentric Theory (Tendosetsu) and the 22nd Japan Science Fiction Grand Prize for his work, Mr. Turtle (Kurodahan Press. 2016, English translation by Tyran Grillo). He has written numerous books, including Do-Natsu, KITANO Yusaku's Animal Book, Doronko Rondo, Kitsune no Tsuki, Kameri, Reiko and the Kamaboko Factory, and many others.
His lifework, The Almost 100-character Novel, continues to be published daily on Twitter, with more than 4,000 entries.

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